The present study aimed to examine the relation between tumble situations and individuals characteristics of the aged who was hospitalized by a fracture of tumble. We interviewed 42 patients (9 males, 33 females) to collect reasons of tumble. We collected 42 fractured situations and classified them into 6 categories by the cluster analysis (stumbling of a foot, physical impairment, dizziness and staggering, activity disability, tangle of a foot, confirmation lack of security). We assessed individual characteristics by using the Life Activity Ability Scale (LAAS), the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES), and extroversion character scale and compared these scores among 6 categories.
Main findings were as follows.The aged who were categorized as tangle of a foot showed significantly lower score of instrumental selfhelp in the LAAS than the aged who were categorized as activity disability and confirmation lack of security. Furthermore the aged who were categorized as tangle of a foot showed significantly lower in intellectual activity of LAAS than the aged who were categorized as stumbling of a foot. In the general self-efficacy, there was a marginal effect of social positioning in ability. In the extroversion character scale, there were no significant differences by the aged.