広島大学大学院総合科学研究科紀要. I, 人間科学研究
2 巻
2007-12-31 発行
ISSN: 1881-7688
発行元 : 広島大学大学院総合科学研究科
Development of a Web-based CALL System for Chinese Tang Poetry
廖 継莉 吉田 光演
PP. 1 - 9
Teaching of Japanese Simplex Accent Patterns based on the Verbotonal Method
崔 春福 吉田 光演
PP. 11 - 21
Memory Facilitation effect in Interaction between Video Clips and Music
吉岡 賢治 岩永 誠
PP. 35 - 45
The Function of Topic Introduction in Chinese Numeral Classifiers
滕 小春 小川 泰生
PP. 47 - 57
The influence of attentional shifts and pressure on movement fluency of a perceptual and motor skill
坂元 佑次 田中 美吏 関矢 寛史
PP. 71 - 80
The effect of perceptual training on the anticipation of tennis service-return
三木 ゆふ 武田 守弘 関矢 寛史
PP. 81 - 92
Relationship between positive-negative affect and performance in a golf competition
田中 美吏 関矢 寛史
PP. 93 - 99
The detection of deception using the P300 of the event-related potential
久保 賢太 入戸野 宏
PP. 101 - 114
Study on the effects of the Internet on bonding between people and fostering social participation: the viewpoint of the social capital framework
古谷 嘉一郎
PP. 115 - 118
Psychophysiological study of the function of sleep for visuomotor learning
玉置 應子
PP. 119 - 121