広島大学大学院総合科学研究科紀要. I, 人間科学研究
4 巻
2009-12-31 発行
ISSN: 1881-7688
発行元 : 広島大学大学院総合科学研究科
The effect of self-oriented perfectionism and responsibility on information gathering behavior <Articles>
増井 綾及 岩永 誠
PP. 1 - 9
A study on personality and exercise experience with the five-factor model of personality <Articles>
井上 百愛 三木 ゆふ 関矢 寛史
PP. 11 - 17
A behavioral science approach to "kawaii" <Articles>
PP. 19 - 35
Chinese Tang Poetry Learning Based on A Personalized Learning Supporting System <Articles>
廖 継莉 吉田 光演
PP. 37 - 47
The Development of Mobile Server for Language Courses <Articles>
徳本 浩子 吉田 光演
PP. 49 - 61
Research on obstacle avoidance ability of children with developmental disorders and normal children <Summaries of the Doctoral Theses>
島谷 康司
PP. 63 - 66
Effects of social support on recovery after ending a romantic relationship <Summaries of the Doctoral Theses>
山下 倫実
PP. 67 - 69
Research and Development of a Web-based Learning System for Chinese Tang Poetry <Summaries of the Doctoral Theses>
廖 継莉
PP. 71 - 74