広島大学大学院総合科学研究科紀要. I, 人間科学研究
8 巻
2013-12-31 発行
ISSN: 1881-7688
発行元 : 広島大学大学院総合科学研究科
A study of English synonyms : use and utilize <Article>
島田 祥吾 井上 永幸
PP. 1 - 16
Excitability Change In The Ipsilateral Primary Motor Cortex During A Unilateral Rhythmic Contraction Of Finger Muscles : A Neurophysiological Study Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation <Summaries Of The Doctoral Theses>
上原 一将
PP. 43 - 46
The Cultural Hegemony of Bollywood in South Asia : The Challenges of Bangladeshi Cinema <Summaries of the Doctoral Theses>
Elahi Md. Towfique -E-
PP. 47 - 48
The current situation and issues of adapted physical education and sport in Japan : examining the influence of inclusion on physical education and community sport <Summaries of the Doctoral Theses>
金山 千広
PP. 49 - 51
Effects of diabetes on function and oxidative modification of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca^(2+)-ATPase and myofibrillar proteins <Summaries of the Doctoral Theses>
倉谷 麻衣
PP. 53 - 55
A Linguistic Amalysis of Morse Codes : In Search of the Optimal Code <Summaries of the Doctoral Theses>
塩本 文夫
PP. 57 - 60
A Study on the Acoustic Analysis of Oral Reading in Taiwanese Learners of Japanese Focusing on Mora Duration <Summaries of the Doctoral Theses>
陳 麗貞
PP. 61 - 63
Die Partizip II-Adjektivkomposita im Deutschen : Syntaktische und semantische Beschrankungen des Wortbildungsprozesses <Summaries of the Doctoral Theses>
野間 砂理
PP. 65 - 67
The influence of psychopathic traits on behaviors related to fairness <Summaries of the Doctoral Theses>
増井 啓太
PP. 69 - 71
A study on the improvement of health-related Quality of Life in persons with spinal cord injury <Summaries of the Doctoral Theses>
三木 由美子
PP. 73 - 75
A study of the sensation of chills and tears evoked by music listening <Summaries of the Doctoral Theses>
森 数馬
PP. 77 - 79
Effects of moods on the breadth of spatial attention <Summaries of the Doctoral Theses>
守谷 大樹
PP. 81 - 82