広島大学大学院総合科学研究科紀要. I, 人間科学研究 4 巻
2009-12-31 発行

個々人に応じた学習支援を導入した唐詩学習について <論文>

Chinese Tang Poetry Learning Based on A Personalized Learning Supporting System <Articles>
廖 継莉
1.13 MB
The learners' knowledge level varies greatly from learner to learner, but the current Webbased systems commonly arrange the same learning course for them without considering if learners' knowledge level and the difficulty level of the recommended course are matched to each other. This paper proposes a personalized learning support system for Chinese Tang poetry learning to arrange different ranks of each learning course for different learners in accordance with their scores. This system consists of two parts: score feedback agent and course arrange agent. The score feedback agent is designed to generate a Web page which includes the score of learners and the interpretation of the questions for the learners. The course arrange agent using fuzzy control algorithm is employed to judge the knowledge level of each learner according to the score, and recommend a course with suitable difficulty levels for each learner. Thus, personalized learning performance in Chinese Tang poetry is achieved.
Copyright (c) 2009 広島大学大学院総合科学研究科