広島大学大学院総合科学研究科紀要. I, 人間科学研究 1 巻
2006-12-31 発行


Trends and Issues in Risk Studies in Japan
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Since risk in Japanese society has become complex, harmful, and severe, effective risk managements have been needed for our safety and healthy life. Therefore, the comprehensive risk analysis is necessary for us. New challenges for future risk analysis are demanded to investigate the actual situation of risk analysis in Japan. The present study aimed to clarify risk targets, research approaches to risk, and stages of the risk analysis to realize the present risk analysis in Japan. The subjects were research reports running in the Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis. Main findings were as follows; the risk assessment study was carried out dominantly in the risk analysis for the environment, the chemical substances, and the investment areas, while the risk management study was in the natural disaster and the socio-economic areas. According to research approaches, the risk assessment study was dominant in environmental science, biology, medical science, and psychology, while the risk management study was mainly in political science. These results indicated that there were many differences in areas and research approaches among stages for the risk analysis. Integrated research approaches in each stage of the risk analysis are necessary for investigating risk phenomenon comprehensively.
Risk study
Risk situation
Research approach to risk
Stages of risk analysis
Copyright (c) 2006 Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University. All rights reserved.