学習システム研究 6 号
2017-03-31 発行

教師のための「真正な学び」の研究:第三年次の研究 : 教材研究のための研究論文の読解とその「真正な実践」への活用

Study on “authentic learning” for school teachers: Research in the third year : Interpretation of academic papers for researching teaching materials, and utilization for “authentic practice”
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(2)著書の内容は,選挙制度に関する議論の仕方と,議論内容の2 つの層からなっている。後者の議論内容としては,制度,思想,理念の3つの関連構造として組織されている。
(3)著者は,選挙の制度,民主主義の思想,社会の在り方に関する理念の3 つの相互関連を認識することが重要であると主張し,制度の詳細な情報だけを追いかけるよりも,3 つの相互関連を追究することを重要視している。
This paper describes the aim of the study in the third year of the joint research and reports investigation on how teaching materials should be by interpreting an academic paper (book) in the field of politics taking the example of the electoral system, which is widely addressed in the field of civics (a field of social studies), where values and knowledge intersect. The objective of the study is to reveal the process of converting learning by a researcher into “authentic learning” by clarifying the structure of learning in the process that starts with interpretation of a book and research of teaching materials and ends in preparation of a teaching unit and utilizing the structure of learning by the researcher in the structure of learning by the students.

To achieve the goal, Nihon no Senkyo (Elections in Japan, author: Shujiro KATO, 2003) was investigated and interpreted; and its chapter constitution, content structure and structure of learning were clarified. From the investigation, the following results were obtained.

(1) The chapters of the book are constituted so as to mainly compare and contrast the merits and demerits of the single-seat constituency electoral system and the proportional representation system.
(2) The contents of the book consist of two layers, i.e. methods of discussing the electoral system, and contents of discussion. The latter is organized into the three relevant structures of system, idea and principle.
(3) In the book, the author emphasizes the importance of recognizing the interrelation among the electoral system, ideas of democracy, and principles related to how society is. He also lays importance on pursuing the interrelation of the three rather than tracing detailed information of the system.
(4) Teaching materials should focus on any of (1) to (3), but the decision depends on one’s view on the school subject. The investigation clarified that (1), (2) and (3) lay importance on contents of a special field, contents of the school subject, and aims of the school subject, respectively.
Paper Interpretation
Teaching Materials Research
View of School Subject
Structure of Learning
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