大学論集 Issue 54
published_at 2022-03

学際学部での教育経験が教員のアカデミックアイデンティティに与える影響 : 内外の研究事例から

Impact of Interdisciplinary Faculty Educational Experience on Faculty’s Academic Identity: From Domestic and Foreign Research Cases
SUNADA Hiromasa
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The concern of this paper is to consider domestic and foreign research cases in order to question the impact of educational experience in interdisciplinary faculties on the academic identity of faculty members. In recent years, new interdisciplinary faculties have been established at Japanese universities due to teaching and learning research and socio-political influence. Teachers’ academic identities are transformed through interacting with individuals and disciplinary groups (or a department) relationship with differing social contexts (Kreber, 2010). How will faculty members who are placed in an interdisciplinary faculty that integrates multiple disciplines, that are not based on traditional disciplines, be affected in relation to the faculty? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to consider what has been researched and clarified regarding the characteristics of interdisciplinary faculties, the conflicts and experiences of faculty members, based on previous research. In this paper, we have organized and examined previous research on faculty members’ academic identity and socialization. As a result, it was suggested that the faculty members of the interdisciplinary faculty have more problems in their educational activities than the faculty members of the traditional faculty. On the other hand, it was also suggested that there is a mature transition period from academic socialization to interdisciplinary socialization, in which the conflicts that arise are overcome through the accumulation of educational experience with important communities. Future research should explore the situation and the factors of the transition.
JSPS 科研費19H00160(奨励研究)「理論と実践を融合するカリキュラムにおける学生の学習の変化」(研究代表者:砂田寛雅)
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