大学論集 Issue 32
published_at 2002-03

アメリカの州立大学における教育評価 : 大学・州・全国レベルでの機構 <論考>

Evaluation of Teaching and Learning in American Public Higher Education : Institutional, State and National Levels <Articles>
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The purpose of this paper is to depict organizational systems of evaluation of teaching and learning in American public higher education. At first, academic achievement of American student and completion rate are examined. It is showed that these are beyond of Japanese commonsense. Second, historical development of credit system, student evaluation of teaching and self-studies at campus level are discussed. The uses of student evaluation of teaching at several universities are examined. Third, accreditation system and outcome assessment by the states are discussed. Fourth, Quality Indicator system of undergraduate education in the state of Colorado is analyzed in detail, and the implications to college education are discussed.