広島大学保健学ジャーナル Volume 10 Issue 2
published_at 2012-08-31

看護教員の職業選択動機別によるソーシャルサポート,ストレス,バーンアウトとの関連について <原著論文>

Relationship of career choice motivation and social support on stress and burnout in nursing teachers
Harada Koji
439 KB
本研究では看護教員の職業選択の動機別によるソーシャルサポート,ストレス,バーンアウトとの関連について検討するため,中国地方の看護師養成所の女性教員を対象に看護教員ストレッサー尺度,職場のソーシャルサポート尺度,日本語版Maslach Burnout Inventory(MBI)の自記式質問紙法を行った。

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of career choice motivation and social support on stress and burnout in nursing teachers.

To achieve this aim, the Nursing Teacher Stressor Scale, the Work Place Social Support Scale and the Japanese version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) were administered to female nursing teachers at Colleges of Nursing in the Chugoku Region. The surveys were in questionnaire form.

There were 169 valid responses (a valid response rate of 55.2%). Career choice motivations included "employer's instruction" 43(25.4%), "suggestions from friends, etc" 39(23.1%), and "I wanted to become a teacher from the beginning" 5(3.0%). In the latter case, there was a high level of social support, a low level of stress, and a high level of "personal accomplishment" (p<.05).

On the other hand, the responses "circumstances and physical condition of the home", "avoiding the night shift" and "interest in education rather than in clinical work", corresponded to a high level of stress related to teacher qualities, and showed a high positive correlation with "emotional exhaustion" (r=.46, p<.001), and with "depersonalization" (r=.47, p<.001).

Based on these results, if a person became a nursing teacher out of a sense of compulsion or on the strong advice of others, there was a tendency to experience burnout.
Career choice motivations of nursing teachers
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