広島大学保健学ジャーナル 10 巻 2 号
2012-08-31 発行

血液透析患者の運動アドヒアランスの向上を目指した教育メディア開発 <原著論文>

Development of educational media to increase the physical activity and exercise adherence of hemodialysis patients
佐藤 香苗
野口 詩織
齊藤 未香
山内 太郎
604 KB
The number of chronic dialysis patients in Japan is approximately 300,000, 96.7% of whom receive hemodialysis. Many of these patients experience a decline in nutritional status, physical function, and QOL (quality of life).

We previously demonstrated that the nutritional status and QOL of patients can be improved by increasing the duration of low-level physical activity on the day of dialysis. However, we are concerned that the exercise capacity of dialysis patients is greatly impaired both by ageing and by the extension of the dialysis period. This study is, therefore, aimed at developing educational media to increase the adherence of patients to low-intensity exercise therapy such as stretching and massage, i.e., what is commonly referred to as passive exercise.

Among the various audiovisual media available, we chose to produce a DVD as the most effective option. Further, we developed a graded course to meet the needs of individual patients in terms of level of physical function and commitment.

As a result, we developed education media semi-customized to the individual patient's needs and able to support voluntary learning.

Adherence of patients to physical activity and exercise can be improved if a graded exercise program is developed to meet the various levels of severity among hemodialysis patients.
hemodialysis patients
exercise adherence
educational media
Copyright (c) 2012 広島大学保健学出版会