広島大学保健学ジャーナル 10 巻 2 号
2012-08-31 発行

脳卒中の再発予防に関する医療施設の患者教育の実態調査 <資料>

The current situation of patient education on the prevention of cerebral apoplexy recurrence
原田 浩二
百田 武司
長束 一行
大森 豊緑
356 KB


In order to examine the current state of patient education on the prevention of cerebral apoplexy recurrence, a questionnaire survey was conducted. The participants were medical staffers at 157 hospitals and 395 clinics in Hiroshima Prefecture and Toyono Medical Bloc, Osaka Prefecture. The survey form was sent by mail and the study was conducted between January and March, 2010. Forty-seven valid forms were received from the hospitals (a valid response rate of 29.9%) and 168 from the clinics (42.5%).

Patient education was practiced at 70.8% of the acute-stage wards, 57.1% of the recovery-stage wards, 43.5% of the outpatient units, and 61.3% of the clinics. The average time spent on patient education was "1-2 hours" at 52.9% of the acute-stage wards and 37.5% of the chronic-stage wards. Only "less than 10 minutes" was spent at 60.0% of the outpatient units and 84.4% of the clinics, respectively; it was provided mostly by the doctors. Community collaboration paths were used by 24 hospitals (51.1%) and 32 clinics (19.0%).

It was inferred that, in order to prevent recurrence of cerebral apoplexy, which has a high rate of recurrence, education by specialists is called for at recovery-stage wards and outpatient units with a focus on management of high blood pressure, hyperlipemia and diabetes.
cerebral apoplexy
patient education
prevention of recurrence
Copyright (c) 2012 広島大学保健学出版会