広島大学生物生産学部紀要 Volume 29 Issue 1
published_at 1990-07


A Study on the Thermal Diffusivity of Potato by using Small Shape Specimens
Ro Rentsu
Kubota Kiyoshi
1.12 MB
In order to obtain the optimum design and operating conditions in the various equipments and process, it is necessary to determine the thermal diffusivity of the food materials. In previous papers, we have studied the thermal diffusivity of spherical root vegetables, potato slabs, rectangular and cylindrical potatoes, and egg yolk and white gels. As for small shape food materials, we can not cut them into large shape specimens, as shown in the from first to third papers, therefore, the results in the these papers are very scattered. The reason in that of a thermocouple into the center of the small samples. Now, in the present paper, we took up the study of the thermal diffusivity of small shape samples under various top point conditions. For this we used potato samples that had uniform tissue and physical properties for the wide portions. The values of thermal diffusivity of potatoes are considered (0.01728t+6.867) x10-2 [cm2/min] (where, t is temperature [°C]) at temperature range between 10 and 60°C. These results are better than the average value of 0.0840 cm2/min that we obtained in the previous paper. The reason for this improvement is that the top point of the thermocouple can not be incert into the center of the small shape samples, but we can obtain the top point position by assuming the true position must have a minimum standard deviation for the calculation results under the various assumed top point positions.