The Hiroshima University studies, Graduate School of Letters
Volume 69
Date of Issue:2009-12
current number
ISSN : 1347-7013
Publisher : Graduate School of Letters, Hiroshima University
A Preliminary Study on "Topos" : Where are Old People Fond of Spending their Remaining Time?
PP. 1 - 19
Various demands on the Eso-gun Hyakusho Ikki, Bingo Province in 1867
Nakayama Tomihiro
PP. 29 - 45
パンフレの戦略 : エミール・ゾラ「私は告発する...!」とレオン・ブロワ『私は自分を告発する...』
PP. 61 - 77
The Violence Called Cleanliness-Conscious Education : Measures for Vagrants in Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Motohka Asako
PP. 79 - 89
李 国栋
PP. 91 - 102
Two "Barn Burning" : It's to a "story" from the concurrent world.
PP. 59 - 71
Active Movement of Japanese Reading Language in Material of the Nishihakaten "西墓点" of Tendaishu-Jimonha "天台宗寺門派" : Special Reference to Shoten "声点" of Material at Middle and Later Term of the Heian Era
PP. 41 - 58
Development of the Annotated Editions of Kanke-suma-no-ki
PP. 25 - 39
A Chronological Record of Narushima Nobuyuki' s Career (11)
PP. 11 - 23
PP. 1 - 9