広島大学大学院文学研究科論集 61 巻
2001-12-28 発行

自筆本『明月記』の研究 : 冷泉家時雨亭叢書本を用いて

A Study on Meigetsuki
833 KB
Meigetuki is the diary to have continued to be written down over the lifetime by poet Sadaie Fujiwara which represents ""Sinkokin"" times. In the past, as for ""Meigetuki"", the block letter which made several kinds of manuscripts an original text was often used. However, at present, ""Meigetuki"" of the Sadaie handwriting is being published in the shadow mark by all five schedules from the Reisei house shower in late autumn bower series. When seeing those Sadaie handwriting books, the manuscript can see a lot of modalities at the time of the article creating such as the correction of the article of writer himself who am hardly reproduced, the correction to it, the deletion and the revision. herefore, in this manuscript, it has a purpose of that the new knowledge which is gotten by considering the Sadaie handwriting book of the shower in late autumn bower series which is published in four at present is described.