広島大学日本語教育研究 Issue 29
published_at 2019

シナイの「未完了」用法について : シテイナイと比較して

A study of shinai as a usage of Imperfect in comparison to shiteinai
Doho Mana
653 KB
In Japanese, to express the imperfective aspect, shiteinai is mainly used; besides, shinai is also used in the limited context.
Previous studies considered shinai as a usage of imperfect from the viewpoints of context and lexical feature. However, it is difficult to say that these studies have revealed the condition to realize the imperfective usage of shinai.
In this paper, we discuss the condition to realize the imperfective usage of shinai . As a result, we concluded that shinai could express the imperfect in the context where “the speaker is concerned with whether the event has been realized”. In addition, we revealed that the lexical feature affects the aspect of the event that the speaker can grasp.
Copyright (c) 2019 広島大学大学院教育学研究科日本語教育学講座