広島大学日本語教育研究 Issue 25
published_at 2015-03-25


Survey of Phonological and Morphological Similarities between Korean and Japanese Kanji Compounds
Matsushima Hiroe
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This research was conducted to provide basic data about selecting stimulus words in psycholinguistic experiments about the use of Japanese kanji compounds by Korean learners of Japanese. To examine the processing of words. stimulus words need to be selected in a rigorously controlled manner. In investigating the influence of kanji knowledge on the part of Korean learners in their first language with respect to processing Japanese kanji compounds. it is necessary first to determine the phonological and morphological similarities between kanji compounds in Korean and Japanese. In the present study. I conducted a survey of the phonological and morphological similarities between Korean and Japanese kanji compounds. In the first part of the study. 20 Korean students with no experience of learning Japanese and another 20 Korean students studying in Japan were asked to rate on a seven-point scale the morphological similarity of 654 Japanese kanji compounds between Korean and Japanese. In the second part. 23 Korean students with no experience of learning Japanese and 20 Korean students studying in Japan were similarly asked to rate the phonological similarities between Korean and Japanese of 435 Japanese kanji compounds. The ratings of the data from Korean students with no experience of learning Japanese and those from students studying in Japan were compiled separately.
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