廣島法學 43 巻 3 号
2020-01-31 発行

中国近代ナショナリズムの醸成と下層社会の役割(一) : 山西省鉱山利権回収運動の前史として

The germination of nationalism in lower class from the late 19th century: as the prehistory of mine rights recovery movement in Shanxi
李 芸
1.34 MB
The coal resources of Shanxi Province play a significant role not only in Shanxi but also in the development of Chinese modern industry. The mine rights recovery movement in Shanxi is an important event. There are many relative researches, but mainly focus on the role of capitalists and student-centered intellectuals, the activities of lower classes who occupied a large number in the society at that time were simply explained that they were incited by upper classes. This paper focuses on lower classes and aims to figure out how their nationalism was awakened by the great change of society because of foreign aggression. Also, lower classes’ efforts will be analyzed in order to proof the existence of nationalism.