広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 7 巻
2017-03-28 発行

友だちと協同して遊ぶようになるための環境・援助を探る : 共通の目的に向かって取り組む5歳児の活動に焦点をあてて

Proving Environment and Assistance to Enable Children to Play Cooperating with Others: Focusing on Activities of Five-year-old Children Working with a Common Aim
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その結果,以下の環境構成や援助が明らかlこなった。 ①友だちの思いを取り入れたアイデアを生み出せるようなかかわり②友だちの情況に気づき,再び友だちと共に取り組んでいけるようなかかわり③役割分担をしながら取り組む楽しさや充実感が味わえるようなかかわり④一緒に作っている友だちの思いや考えを聞くことができるような場の設定という,4点である。
The purpose of this study is to clarify environment and assistance to enable children to play cooperating with others focusing on activities of five-year-old children working with a common aim. The method is recording environmental components and assistance adopted to encourage children to play cooperating with others when they did what they wanted to do and did sequence activities, and writing them down as practical cases. Then, we discussed these cases by childcare conferences held in our kindergarten and reflections by the teachers themselves. We examined and clarified whether those environmental components and assistance were appropriate. As a result, environmental components and assistance were clarified in the following four points: 1. interactions generating ideas which include others' feelings, 2. interactions which help children become aware of others' circumstances and work with them again, 3. interactions which encourage students to enjoy and get fulfillment about work with role sharing, 4. setting situations where children can listen to what others working together feel and think.