広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 Volume 7
published_at 2017-03-28

物語を読む新たな楽しさを昧わう国語科の学習 : 第4学年「世界でいちばんやかましい音」の実践を通して

The Japanese Learning on Experiencing a New Fun of Reading Story: Through Class Practice of Unit "The Loudest Noise in the World" in Fourth Grade Elementary School
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本研究の目的は,物語を読む新たな楽しさを味わうことのできる単元を開発することである。そこで,第4学年において「世界でいちばんやかましい音」を題材として, 「作品との出会いを大切にする」 「他者の読みを生かす」「作者の表現の工夫に着目する」 の3点を手立てとした単元を構成し実践を試みた。実践を通してこれらの手立ては,物語の展開のおもしろさにつながる作者の表現の工夫を見つけたり,作者が題名に込めた物語の意味を考えたりするなど,物語を読む新たな楽しさを味わわせることに有効であることがわかった。さらに,単元の導入の工夫や他者との交流は,子どもたちが課題意識をもって物語を読み,自分の読みを深めることにつながった。今後も,物語を読む新たな楽しさを味わうことにつながる授業をつくっていきたい。
The purpose of this study is to develop a unit which enables students to experience a fun of reading story. In this study, the researcher developed a class practice of a unit "The Loudest Noise in the World" focusing on three points: 1) to treasure the encounter with works, 2) To make the most of understanding from others, 3) To pay attention to the author's expressions. Through the practice, the results suggest that three points were identified to be effective for the students in enjoying some new interest in reading story such as finding the author's efforts through the expressions and considering what the writer expresses in the story including its title. In addition, students managed to develop their knowledge of reading because of providing the introduction of the unit and the opportunity to discuss the story with other students encouraged students to read the story with an awareness of problem-finding. Concerning the results, the further Japanese classes would be possibly expected to be conducted in order to explore a new fun of reading story.