Yakushima has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan as an island rich in ancient nature. On the other hand, forestry has been active on Yakushima since long ago, and it is said that about 80% of the virgin forest on Yakushima was cut down in the 1950s. After that, nature conservation activities have flourished in Yakushima, and the current image of an island rich in nature has been created. How are these two aspects of Yakushima, where has long prosperity history of forestry and seems overflowing with ancient nature now, communicated in the exhibition facilities? The purpose of this study is clarify characteristics and differences of each exhibition facilities, such as those presented in the museums and visitor centers on Yakushima Island, through conducting a content analysis of the explanatory texts of them. As a result of this analysis, text data can be quantitatively shown the differences in the amount of description of the forestry and protection of the forest in Yakushima, and the elements of the natural environments (flora and fauna, forest, river, seaside) that make up Yakushima. And the text data of the four facilities could be explained along two major axes for interpretation of the exhibition trends. These are “ecology of the natural environment of Yakushima” and “life, history, and culture of the people of Yakushima.”