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広島大学 学術情報リポジトリ
Issue 15
( 2006-03-31 )
Issue 14
( 2005-03 )
Issue 13
( 2004-03 )
Issue 12
( 2003-03 )
Issue 11
( 2002-03 )
Issue 10
( 2001-03 )
Issue 9
( 2000-03 )
Issue 8
( 1999-03 )
Issue 7
( 1998-03 )
Issue 6
( 1997-03 )
Issue 5
( 1996-03 )
Issue 4
( 1995-03 )
Issue 3
( 1993-03 )
Issue 2
( 1992-03 )
Issue 1
( 1989-03 )
Annual Report of Research Center for Regional Geography
Center for Regional Geography Hiroshima University
Issue 15
( 2006-03-31 )
回想 : 私のインド農村調査25年 <特別寄稿>
A Reminiscence My Quarter Century Fieldwork in Rural India <Special contribution>
Fujiwara Kenzo
PP. 1 - 39
Role of Forest in Household Food Secunty : Evidence from Rural Areas in Nepal <Article>
Maharjan Keshav Lall
Khatri-Chhetri Arun
PP. 41 - 67
ミュンヘン市外国人評議会選挙とこれをめぐる言説の再検討 : 社会地理学的分析 <論説>
Election of Foreigners' Advisory Council of Munich and Reexamination of Discourses Concerning Election from Viewpoint of Social Geography <Article>
Yamamoto Kenji
PP. 69 - 102
The Meeting of Western and Oriental Cultures Military Architecture in the 19th Century, Southwestern Hokkaido, Japan <Article>
Tomatsuri Yumio
PP. 103 - 122
ハイデルベルク市における住民参加のまちづくり <論説>
Community Development with Resident Participation in Heidelberg, Germany <Article>
Yui Yoshimichi
Funku Carolin
Kawada Tsutomu
PP. 123 - 146
インド・バンガロールにおける情報通信産業の集積とその重層的な展開 <論説>
ICT Industries and Multi-layer Development of Industnal District in Bangalore, India <Article>
Kuwatsuka Kentaro
PP. 147 - 169
インドにおけるブロイラー養鶏地域の形成 : アグリビジネスの役割に着目して <研究ノート>
Development Mechanisms of the Broiler Meat Production Areas in India. : Analysis Based on the Agribusiness Behaviors <Research Note>
Goto Takuya
PP. 171 - 187
太田川流域における植生分布 <研究ノート>
Charactenstics of the Geographic Distnbution of Vegetation in the Ota River Basin <Research Note>
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
Koga Tomoko
Watanabe Sonoko
PP. 189 - 202
インド・デリー首都圏地域における労働争議に関する一考察 : グルガオンの一日系企業の事例を中心に <フォーラム>
Study on a Labour Dispute in the National Capital Region of Delhi. : Case of a Japanese-affiliated Firm in Gurgaon <Forum>
Okahashi Hidenori
PP. 203 - 214
Introduction of German Nationalatlas, Vol 8 'Enterprises and Markets' <Material>
Morikawa Hiroshi
PP. 215 - 243
Issue 14
( 2005-03 )
Increase of Foreign Direct Investment under the Economic Liberalization in India and its Implications for the National Spatial Structure
Hino Masateru
PP. 1 - 20
ネパール山岳地域の農村開発における住民組織の役割 : 開発組織の衰退と在地組織の新しい機能
The Roles of Local Organizations in Rural Development of the Mountain Areas of Nepal : Limitations of Development Organizations and Potential of Indigenous Organizations
Tatsumi Kazuko
PP. 21 - 42
Housing Development in the Bangalore Metropolitan Region
Yui Yoshimichi
PP. 43 - 67
ネパール・インド間の貿易の現状と課題 : ネパール側からの考察を中心に
Issues of Nepal-India Trade : A Nepalese Perspective
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 69 - 92
浦方と竃方 : 伊勢志摩リアス式海岸部における「海村」
Urakata and Kamakata : Structure of the Kaison (Seaside Villages) on the Coasts of Ise-Shima
Nakagawa Chigusa
PP. 93 - 111
発展途上地域における詳細活断層図の作成とその意義 : ネパールを対象として
Detailed mapping on active fault in developing region and its significance : A case study of Nepal
Kumahara Yasuhiro
Nakata Takashi
PP. 113 - 127
Issue 13
( 2004-03 )
Location Pattern of Sales Branches of Large Companies in India and its Relationship to the Hierarchical Differentiation of Cities
Hino Masateru
PP. 1 - 25
Gemeinde- und Bezirksverfassung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen in Deutschland
Morikawa Hiroshi
PP. 27 - 52
ベルリン在住トルコ人の日常生活と生活意識 : ベルリン市外国人応嘱官が実施した社会調査結果の解釈
Everyday Life, Attitudes, and Living Conditions of Turkish People in Berlin, Germany : An Interpretation of Research Conducted by the Commissioner of Foreigners' Affairs of Berlin
Yamamoto Kenji
PP. 53 - 82
インド・カルナータカ州における農産物卸売市場 : 規模,立地及び月別入荷動向の分析
Wholesale Markets of Agricultural Produce in Karnataka State, India : Analysis of Size, Location and Monthly Arrivals and Prices
Araki Hitoshi
PP. 83 - 108
Vegetation and Socio-economic Structure in Kake-cho, Hiroshima Prefecture
Watanabe Sonoko
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 109 - 118
Contents of the Lecture “Introduction to Regional Geography" in Department of Geography, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Iwata Shuji
PP. 119 - 134
Industrial Development of Gurgaon District of Haryana in the National Capital Region, India
Singh Krishan
PP. 135 - 150
Issue 12
( 2003-03 )
南アジアと東南アジアにおける工業化の新展開と大都市開発 : シンポジウムの趣旨説明として
The Purpose of the Symposium : Recent Industrialization and Metropolitan Development in South and Southeast Asia
Okahashi Hidenori
PP. 3 - 7
アジアにおける自動車産業の新展開 : 東南アジア~インドを中心に
Evolution of the Automobile Industry in Asian Countries : Principally Focusing on Southeast Asia and India
Tomozawa Kazuo
PP. 9 - 32
Globalization of Knowledge-Intensive Industries : the Case of Software Production in Bangalore, India
Aoyama Yuko
PP. 33 - 50
Industrialization and Industrial Estate Development in Southeast Asia
Ishizutsu Satoru
PP. 51 - 62
多国籍企業の立地と東南アジア大都市における産業集積 : 世界都市研究からのアプローチの可能性
Location of TNCs and Evolution of Industrial Districts as Global Cities : Potentiality of the World/Global City Studies on Southeast Asian Cities
Kuwatsuka Kentaro
PP. 63 - 82
東南アジアの大都市開発 : 各国首都圏の位置づけをめぐる1考察
Developments in Southeast Asian Metropolises : With Special Reference to the Changing Functions of the National Capital Regions
Ikuta Masato
PP. 83 - 103
Urban Development in India
Yui Yoshimichi
PP. 105 - 130
The General Overview of the Discussion
Hino Masateru
PP. 131 - 134
ネパール山間地農村における農家経済と換金作物栽培 : 食糧確保から見る有効性と課題
A Study on Cashcrop Farming and Farm Household Economy in Montane Area of Western Nepal : Focusing on Food Security
Maharjan Keshav Lall
Miki Toshinobu
PP. 135 - 158
旧東ドイツ地域における市町村の現状 : チューリンゲン州とブランデンブルク州を例として
Die gegenwartige Situation der Gemeinden in den neuen Landern Deutschlands : eine Fallstudie uber den Freistaat Thuringen und das Land Brandenburg
Morikawa Hiroshi
PP. 159 - 183
Issue 11
( 2002-03 )
Inter-regional Trade of Rice and Paddy in Java and Madura from the End of the 19th Century to the Beginning of the 20th Century
Uemura Yasuo
PP. 1 - 31
The Placement of International Procurement Offices in Singapore by Japanese Electronics Firms and the Consequent Specialization of the Purchasing Function
Kuwatsuka Kentaro
PP. 33 - 56
The Large Decline in Production of Meretorix lusoria in KUWANA and Corresponding Measures Taken by the Fishery Association
Zhang Shufang
PP. 57 - 76
ベノ・ヴァーレン(1995/99)『日常的地域化の社会地理学 : 社会と空間の存在論について-』の紹介
Die Vorstellung des Buchs von Benno Werlen ""Zur Ontologie von Gesellschaft und Raum"
Morikawa Hiroshi
PP. 77 - 118
Issue 10
( 2001-03 )
Reappraisal of the Indigenous Tradition of Geography by Academic Geographers in Modern Japan
Takeuchi Keiichi
PP. 1 - 33
アルプス農村における住民の景観意識と景観保全 : オーストリア・チロル州ナッタース・ムッタース2村の事例から
Rural inhabitant's consciousness to the landscape issues and the conservation problem in the Austrian Alps : A case study of two Tyrolean villages, Natters and Mutters
Okahashi Hidenori
PP. 35 - 68
インド農村社会変化の再考 : 「伝統」と「近代」の二分法を越えて
Rethinking Social Changes in Rural India: Beyond the Dichotomy of 'Tradition' and 'Modernity'
Mori Hideki
PP. 69 - 85
ジャカルタ暴動の都市社会構造 : 都市社会研究への試論
Preliminary Study for Social Structural Analysis of Jakarta May Riot
Sawa Shigehisa
PP. 87 - 101
ドイツにおける行為重視の社会地理学 : モイスブルガー編著の紹介
Handlungszentrierte Sozialgeographie in Deutschland : Die Vorstellung von P. Meusburgers Sammelband
Morikawa Hiroshi
PP. 103 - 136
Metropolitanization and Urban Problems in India
Sharma R.C.
PP. 137 - 150
Issue 9
( 2000-03 )
Immigration and Issues of Immigrants in Sweden
Yamamoto Kenji
PP. 1 - 32
地域研究を地誌に改造する方法 : ネパールを例に
How to Write Interesting Books on Regional Geography : The Example of Nepal
Iwata Shuji
PP. 33 - 46
The Development of Indian Software Industry
Kitagawa Hirofumi
PP. 47 - 62
A Study on Urban Space of the County Capital of Jiadin with the Theory of Fengshui
Lu Yongchun
PP. 63 - 89
ベノ・ヴァーレンの地理思想 : 『日常的地域化の社会地理学 : グローバル化,地域,地域化』を中心として
Die geographischen Gedanken von Benno Werlen : unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der ""Sozialgeographie alltaglicher Regionalisierung. Bd.2"
Morikawa Hiroshi
PP. 91 - 128
Application of the CORONA Satellite Photography to Geomorphological Studies in Developing Regions
Kumahara Yasuhiro
Nakata Takashi
PP. 129 - 155
Issue 8
( 1999-03 )
A Perspective on Regional Geography
Murakami Matoko
PP. 1 - 7
デリー首都圏地域(NCR)における工業団地開発 : 総合工業団地としてのノイダおよびグレーターノイダ地区の開発を中心として
Development of Industrial Estates National Capital Region, Delhi : with Special Emphasis on the Case of NOIDA and Greater NOIDA as Integrated Industrial Parks
Okahashi Hidenori
PP. 9 - 31
デリー首都圏地域(N.C.R.)ノイダの都市開発と住宅供給 : 住宅供給と居住者の特徴
Housing Supply and the Characteristics of Residents : A Case Study of NOIDA in U.P., India.
Yui Yoshimichi
PP. 33 - 57
The Growth Pattern and it's Process of Commercial Center in NOIDA Industrial Area, INDIA
Sakuno Hirokazu
PP. 59 - 86
インドにおける都市化・工業化と農民の対応 : デリー大都市圏農村の事例
Urban and Industrial Impacts on Rural India : A Case Study of Suburban Village in Delhi Metropolitan Area
Minamino Takeshi
PP. 87 - 119
インド農村調査におけるGISの導入 : センサスデータおよび現地調査データのGIS化への試み
Introduction of GIS into Village Research in India : Construction of GIS Database from Census and Field Work
Sato Takanori
Sakuno Hirokazu
PP. 121 - 142
Okumura Koji
PP. 143 -
Hori Nobuyuki
PP. 143 -
開発入植と地域変化 : ミンダナオ島コロナダル・バレーの事例
Umehara Hirornitsu
PP. 144 -
Kanda Michio
PP. 144 -
德安 浩明
PP. 145 -
Yagi Hirosi
PP. 145 -
インドの農村開発としての「白い革命」プロジェクト : アーナンド方式の適用とその限界
Nakasato Tsuguo
PP. 145 - 146
開発における村落と地方行政体リンクの可能性 : バングラデシュ・ベトナム・中国・日本の経験から
Noma Haruo
PP. 146 -
Gu Renxu
PP. 146 - 147
Tomozawa Kazuo
PP. 148 - 151
Issue 7
( 1998-03 )
シンポジウム「海外地域調査と地誌学 : 地理学の貢献と課題」にあたって
Morikawa Hiroshi
PP. 1 - 2
The 'International Scientific Research' and Geography
Okahashi Hidenori
PP. 3 - 10
Recent Field Research on Turkey by Japanese Geographers
Terasaka Akinobu
PP. 11 - 26
国際学術研究による海外地域調査の成果と課題 : 主としてフランスの事例
Outcomes and issues on a foreign regional survey : mainly from a case study of France
Takahashi Nobuo
PP. 27 - 39
インド亜大陸および中国における海外調査の事例 : 国際学術研究による海外地域調査の成果と課題
Results and Problems of Research Works in Indian Subcontinent and China
Ishihara Hiroshi
PP. 41 - 53
広島大学のインド調査 : 何を,どのように行ってきたか
Hiroshima University's Geographical Field Researches in India : What do, how do?
Fujiwara Kenzo
PP. 55 - 71
Okahashi Hidenori
Nakayama Shuichi
Terasaka Akinobu
Takahashi Nobuo
Nakasato Tsuguo
Fujiwara Kenzo
Ishihara Hiroshi
Tomatsuri Yumio
Murakami Makoto
Sawa Munenori
Morikawa Hiroshi
Sato Takanori
PP. 73 - 86
ベルギーの囲郭都市プランとその変容に関する予察 : ベネルクス囲郭都市研究(2)
Preliminary Note on the Castle Towns in Belgium
Tomatsuri Yumio
PP. 87 - 120
Issue 6
( 1997-03 )
比較動態地誌学研究におけるパラダイムとエートス : フィールドワーク論管見
Dynamic Approach toward Self-Innovative Processes of Paradigm Shift in Regional Geography : Rejuvenating Geographer's Disciplines and Ethos
Maida Iwao
PP. 1 - 13
Recent Progress in German Regional Geography
Morikawa Hiroshi
PP. 15 - 50
イタリアにおけるアルバニア集落とアルバニア系イタリア人 (II) : カラブリア州北部における事例
Albanian Settlements and the Italio-Albanian in Southern Italy (II) : A Case Study in the Province of Cosenza
Takeuchi Keiichi
PP. 51 - 71
南インド農村における水利用とコミュニティー : チッカマラリ村を例として
Water Use and Caste Community in a South Indian Village : A Case Study of Chikkamaralli Village
南埜 猛
PP. 73 - 92
Issue 5
( 1996-03 )
地誌学の問題点 : エリアスタディとの関連において
Some Approaches to Regional Geography and Area Studies
Morikawa Hiroshi
PP. 1 - 8
Geographical Way of Thinking on Place and Rejuvenation of Regional Geography
Hori Nobuyuki
PP. 9 - 19
Some Remarks on the Recent Development of la Geographie Chorematique in France
Tezuka Akira
PP. 21 - 34
第三世界の地域研究と地誌学 : その課題と可能性
Regional Geography and Area Studies on the Third World
Kumagai Keichi
PP. 35 - 45
Present and Future of Area Studies
Takaya Yoshikazu
PP. 47 - 57
地誌編さんと民衆の歴史意識 : 広島周辺地域を中心に
The History Consciousness Reflected in Chisi
Satake Akira
PP. 59 - 76
Japanese Perspectives on Regional Geography and Area Studies
Nakayama Shuichi
PP. 77 - 92
広島大学総合地誌研究資料センター主催1995年度シンポジウム 地誌学とエリアスタディ : 現状と課題 総合討論
<Symposium> Regional Geography and Area Studies Reconsidered Discussion
Maida Iwao
Nakayama Shuichi
Hori Nobuyuki
Takahashi Hideo
Tezuka Akira
Takaya Yoshikazu
Nakasato Tsuguo
Kumagai Keichi
Kawada Tsutomu
Fukuoka Yoshitaka
Nakata Takashi
Murakami Makoto
Kitagawa Kenji
Satake Akira
Yonekura Jiro
Morikawa Hiroshi
Isoda Norihiko
PP. 93 - 110
Commentary and Rejoinder
Maida Iwao
PP. 111 - 118
Issue 4
( 1995-03 )
A Study on Agriculture and Migration of Nepal
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 1 - 27
Two Villages in West Bengal
Murakami Makoto
PP. 29 - 30
The Morphological Characters of Two Villages in West Bengal : Radhaballavpur and Tentleberia
Otake Yoshinori
PP. 31 - 41
Water and Its Management for Better Living in the Bengal Delta : A Case Study of Radhaballavpur Village
Minamino Takeshi
PP. 43 - 57
Rural Population Changes and Migration in Radhaballavpur Village, West Bengal, India
Sawa Munenori
PP. 59 - 72
A Note on Some Fishing Activities in Rural Bengal : A Case Study in Two Villages of West Bengal
Mori Hideki
PP. 73 - 85
Introduction and Growth of Betel Vine Cultivation in Tentleberia
Araki Hitoshi
PP. 87 - 100
Rural Employment Change in a Village in West Bengal, India : A Study of Radhaballavpur Village, Medinipur District Between 1967-1992
インド西ベンガル州1農村における就業構造の変化 : 1967-1992年におけるミドナプール県ラダバラブプール村の事例
Okahashi Hidenori
PP. 101 - 115
Issue 3
( 1993-03 )
Muslim Communities in Ayutthaya
Imanaga Seiji
PP. 1 - 21
Two Villages in U.P.
Murakami Makoto
PP. 23 - 24
Indian Framework of Rural Development : an Overview
Nakayama Shuichi
PP. 25 - 31
On the Population of Khardaha Village
Maeda Shunji
PP. 33 - 48
Double Cropping of Rice and Wheat in India : a Case Study in Khardaha
Satoh Tetsuo
PP. 49 - 62
Partition of Households and Land Holdings in Khardaha : in Relation with the Population Growth
Nakayama Shuichi
PP. 63 - 74
Improvement of Educational Level in Khardaha
Sakagawa Shigeru
PP. 75 - 81
Distribution of Houses and Residents in the Central Settlement of Chiraigaon
Maemoku Hideaki
PP. 83 - 94
Changes in Landuse of Chiraigaon Village
Araki Hitoshi
PP. 95 - 105
Changes in the Saree Weaving Industry in Chiraigaon Village
Murakami Makoto
PP. 107 - 114
Issue 2
( 1992-03 )
Dynamic Changes of Indian Villages under Rural Development Programmes
Fujiwara Kenzo
Sharma R.C.
PP. 1 - 30
Development of Agriculture and Rural - Urban Interaction in Former Zamindari Village- Dikhatpura
Nakasato Tsuguo
Fujiwara Kenzo
Minamino Takeshi
Singh B.V.
Bager S.R.
PP. 31 - 67
チャンバル流域開発における水利システムと受益地域の変化 : インドにおける大規模水利事業の研究(1)
Water Management and Regional Response in Chambal Project, India
Minamino Takesi
Fujiwara Kenzo
PP. 69 - 95
Babhulgaon - Maratha's Village Developing by Irrigation Rush and Sugarcane Cultivation
Maida Iwao
Minamino Takesi
Fujiwara Kenzo
Kouno Kenji
Dalvi A.S.
PP. 97 - 131
Emergence of Self-innovative Community and Its Impacts on Diverse Paths in Rural Development
Minamino Takesi
Maida Iwao
Fujiwara Kenzo
Dalvi A.S.
PP. 133 - 161
Socio-economic Change of a Banjara Village Naharkheda in Vindhya Range
Tomozawa Kazuo
Okahashi Hidenori
Fujiwara Kenzo
Kouno Kenji
Nath M.L.
PP. 163 - 190
Rural-Urban Interaction and Process of Underdevelopment Based on Forest Economy in Tribal Village-Gadher, Madhya Pradesh, India
Okahashi Hidenori
Fujiwara Kenzo
Nakasato Tsuguo
Tomozawa Kazuo
Oja M.S.
PP. 191 - 226
Issue 1
( 1989-03 )
フィリピンにおける農民的土地所有の崩壊 : パナイ島の1米作農村における事例
Dissolution of Peasants' type of landholding in the Philippines: Case study of a rice-growing village on Panay Island.
Umehara Hirornitsu
PP. 1 - 25
Cattle Keeping in the Western Ghats Villages.
Nakasato Tsuguo
PP. 27 - 107
Changes in the Usage of Term 'Chishi (Regional Geography)' in Japan
Nakayama Shuichi
PP. 109 - 122
Fujiwara Kenzo
PP. 123 - 147