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Issue 15
( 2006-03-31 )
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( 2005-03 )
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Annual Report of Research Center for Regional Geography
Issue 15
Date of Issue:2006-03-31
current number
Center for Regional Geography Hiroshima University
回想 : 私のインド農村調査25年 <特別寄稿>
A Reminiscence My Quarter Century Fieldwork in Rural India <Special contribution>
Fujiwara Kenzo
PP. 1 - 39
Role of Forest in Household Food Secunty : Evidence from Rural Areas in Nepal <Article>
Maharjan Keshav Lall
Khatri-Chhetri Arun
PP. 41 - 67
ミュンヘン市外国人評議会選挙とこれをめぐる言説の再検討 : 社会地理学的分析 <論説>
Election of Foreigners' Advisory Council of Munich and Reexamination of Discourses Concerning Election from Viewpoint of Social Geography <Article>
Yamamoto Kenji
PP. 69 - 102
The Meeting of Western and Oriental Cultures Military Architecture in the 19th Century, Southwestern Hokkaido, Japan <Article>
Tomatsuri Yumio
PP. 103 - 122
ハイデルベルク市における住民参加のまちづくり <論説>
Community Development with Resident Participation in Heidelberg, Germany <Article>
Yui Yoshimichi
Funku Carolin
Kawada Tsutomu
PP. 123 - 146
インド・バンガロールにおける情報通信産業の集積とその重層的な展開 <論説>
ICT Industries and Multi-layer Development of Industnal District in Bangalore, India <Article>
Kuwatsuka Kentaro
PP. 147 - 169
インドにおけるブロイラー養鶏地域の形成 : アグリビジネスの役割に着目して <研究ノート>
Development Mechanisms of the Broiler Meat Production Areas in India. : Analysis Based on the Agribusiness Behaviors <Research Note>
Goto Takuya
PP. 171 - 187
太田川流域における植生分布 <研究ノート>
Charactenstics of the Geographic Distnbution of Vegetation in the Ota River Basin <Research Note>
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
Koga Tomoko
Watanabe Sonoko
PP. 189 - 202
インド・デリー首都圏地域における労働争議に関する一考察 : グルガオンの一日系企業の事例を中心に <フォーラム>
Study on a Labour Dispute in the National Capital Region of Delhi. : Case of a Japanese-affiliated Firm in Gurgaon <Forum>
Okahashi Hidenori
PP. 203 - 214
Introduction of German Nationalatlas, Vol 8 'Enterprises and Markets' <Material>
Morikawa Hiroshi
PP. 215 - 243