Circulating KL-6 levels in patients with drug induced pneumonitis

Thorax 58 巻 872-875 頁 2003 発行
アクセス数 : 995
ダウンロード数 : 246

今月のアクセス数 : 6
今月のダウンロード数 : 3
Thorax_58_872-5.pdf 191 KB 種類 : 全文
タイトル ( eng )
Circulating KL-6 levels in patients with drug induced pneumonitis
Ohnishi Hiroshi
Yokoyama Akihito
Yasuhara Yoshifumi
Watanabe Akira
Naka Tetsuji
Abe Masahiro
Nishimura Kazutaka
Higaki Jitsuo
Ikezoe Junpei
開始ページ 872
終了ページ 875
Background: The circulating level of KL-6/MUC1 is a sensitive marker for various interstitial lung diseases. Previous case reports have suggested that KL-6 may also be increased in some patients with drug induced pneumonitis. A study was undertaken to determine whether serum KL-6 could be a marker for particular types of drug induced pneumonitis. Methods: The findings of high resolution computed tomographic (HRCT) chest scans of 30 patients with drug induced pneumonitis were reviewed separately by two independent observers. The pneumonitis was classified into four predominant patterns: widespread bilateral consolidation (diffuse alveolar damage, DAD; n=7), fibrosis with or without consolidation (chronic interstitial pneumonia, CIP; n=11), consolidation without fibrosis (bronchiolitis obliterans organising pneumonia or eosinophilic pneumonia, BOOP/EP; n=8), and diffuse ground glass opacities without fibrosis (hypersensitivity pneumonitis, HP; n=4). Serum KL-6 levels were measured by a sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. Results: The overall sensitivity of serum KL-6 in detecting drug induced lung disease was 53.3%, which was lower than its sensitivity in detecting other interstitial lung diseases. However, the KL-6 level was increased in most patients with a DAD or CIP pattern (16/18; 88.9%) and was closely correlated with their clinical course. In contrast, serum KL-6 levels were within the normal range in all patients with a BOOP/EP or HP pattern. Conclusions: Particular patterns detected by HRCT scanning, such as DAD and CIP but not the BOOP/EP or HP patterns, are associated with increased circulating KL-6 levels in drug induced pneumonitis. Serum KL-6 levels may reflect the clinical activity of the particular disorders.
drug induced pneumonitis
high resolution computed tomography
医学 [ 490 ]
資源タイプ 学術雑誌論文
発行日 2003
Copyright (c) 2003 BMJ Publishing Group & British Thoracic Society
出版タイプ Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[ISSN] 0040-6376
[DOI] 10.1136/thorax.58.10.872
[NCID] AA00863090
[PMID] 14514942