広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域
61 号
2012-12-21 発行
ISSN : 1346-5546
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科
The Measurement of Direct Effects of Character Education in Whole Schools Approach. : The comparison between the second year schools and the third year schools
青木 多寿子 高橋 智子 柴 英里
PP. 1 - 8
Some Remarks on Construction of Survey Questionnaire for Children and Youth : in The Case of Character Strengths Scales Called Shinayakasa.
青木 多寿子 井邑 智哉
PP. 9 - 14
PP. 15 - 24
PP. 35 - 40
Research and Development of Evaluation Method for Interview Skills in Acupuncture-and-Moxibustion Medical Treatment : Analysis based on lecture evaluation of interview skills
金田 太吾
PP. 41 - 47
The Appearance and the Development of “Gakuryoku" Concept in Modern Japanese Educational System : From the proclamation of “gakusei" or a ministrial ordinance regarding education system(1872) up until under the wartime in Showa period
別所 秀夫
PP. 49 - 58
A Case Study on a Student's Behavior Transformation and Learning in Creative Dance Class
村上 恭子
PP. 59 - 67
A Study of Documents and Records Concerning Science Education Reform in Postwar Japan (VIII)
PP. 69 - 78
A Review of and Agendas regarding Formative Activities for Children with Severe-Multiple Disabilities
PP. 87 - 96
Music Expression of the Website “Your secret pleasure of music"
PP. 97 - 105
Issues on the Children's Anxiety toward Foreign Language Activities and the Ways to Support the Anxious Learners
PP. 107 - 114
Research for the Structure of Reading Curriculum in Ontario, Canada : Focus “strand"
PP. 115 - 122
Re-thinking about “Ichidoku-Sogo" Method as a Method of Teaching Logical Thinking Focusing on Thinking Process of Learners
PP. 123 - 130
Research of Essay as Teaching Material by “The Theory of Communicative Action" : Take “Mizu no Tozai" for example
篠崎 祐介
PP. 131 - 139
Metacognition on Perspectives of Reflection in Pre-service Teacher Education : A Case Study on Trial Teaching of Elementary Science
杉山 雅俊
PP. 141 - 150
Possibility of Teaching That Takes into Account Learners' Inherent Willingness to Become Good
中村 暢
PP. 151 - 160
Creating of the Video Teaching Materials for Social Skills Training of Students with Developmental Disorders
若松 昭彦 坂口 明正
PP. 161 - 167
Conducting Articulation and Phonological Therapy for a Student with Down Syndrome : Focusing on the Improvement of /s/ and /dz/ Phonemes
川合 紀宗 松谷 典枝
PP. 169 - 178
A Survey of Teachers' Professional Development in Special Education : The Status of Licensure of Special Education Teachers
川合 紀宗 藤井 明日香
PP. 179 - 187
The Trends and Problems in Studies on Special Needs Education Coordinators at Regular Schools in Japan
宮木 秀雄 木舩 憲幸
PP. 189 - 198
Effect of Utilizing Nursing Process Chart in Nursing Process Practical Training
青木 久恵
PP. 199 - 204
The Effects of Peer Support Program on Children's School Adjustment A Study from the Point of View of Comprehensive School Guidance and Counseling Program
枝廣 和憲 中村 孝 玉山 瑞衣 栗原 慎二
PP. 205 - 211
The Changes in Feeling of Being Supported, Skills, and Skills in Their Classes of Victimized Relationship-Improved Group
中村 孝 枝廣 和憲 杉本 奈月 栗原 慎二
PP. 213 - 218