学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 43 号
2015-03-26 発行

音楽科の特性に応じた思考を育むカリキュラムの開発(Ⅲ) : 創造的思考の相互交流から音楽表現へ

Curriculum development for fostering children’s thinking skills regarding music (III) : From the intercommunication of creative thinking to musical expression
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This study develops a new music curriculum for elementary schools to foster students’ thinking skills regarding music and to broaden their range of experiences of musical culture. We performed two research practices to consider the current sequence of the curriculum, which ranges from familiar types of expression to unfamiliar art. In one class, an activity that involved drawing melody lines while listening to choral music was used as in eurhythmics; in the other, we introduced an art game, in which children enjoyed matching sixteenthcentury paintings with classical music. Consequently, we found that two types of thinking are possible regarding music: one is logical and explainable in words, and the other is intuitive and expressed nonverbally, in real time. Through our study, we realized that the flexible interaction between these types of thinking is important in developing children’s thinking skills, as is the intercommunication between children’s imagination and creativity in the classroom.