学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 43 号
2015-03-26 発行

新学習指導要領の下での授業実践 : 小・中・高の連関を考えた「話し合い」の指導について(1)

Classes based on a new course of study : On teaching fruitful “discussion” considering coordination of the curriculum between elementary, junior, and senior high schools
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When teaching “discussion,” we wonder when and what we should be showed to the students. We also have difficulty in dealing with students’ gaps in communication ability and with the human relationships between students. This study aims to create guidelines for tutoring on discussion, indicating what kinds of skills students should develop according to their ages as well as how we should instruct to help them to gain these skills. The teaching should be based on what the students have learned and practiced in each grade at elementary, junior, and senior high schools. In the first year of this three-year project, we investigated the current situation regarding discussion teaching by conducting a survey of students’ learning history, studying Japanese textbooks, reading prior studies on discussion and communication, and collecting and analyzing audiovisual equipment. Now, we have clarified what grounding is needed for the teaching discussion to school students.