学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 43 号
2015-03-26 発行

幼稚園のお弁当を通じた食育プログラム : 保護者の食に対する意識の変容に着目して

A program of dietary education through boxed lunch related activities in kindergarten : Focusing on changing parents’ attitudes toward eating habits
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Adequate childhood experiences regarding lifestyle and habits have an important effect on adolescents. In particular, eating habits are formulated largely in childhood. Kindergarten children eat boxed lunches prepared by their parents every day. The contents of these boxed lunches reflect parents’ attitudes toward eating habits. We focused, therefore, on the contents of the lunches and analyzed how parents’ attitudes changed when a program of dietary education was provided to them. Initially, parents were asked to complete a questionnaire survey. Using the results, we conducted a program of dietary education that included the following: i) the pakupaku-bento (one original boxed lunch menu), ii) access to a recipe database, and iii) a lecture on dietary education. In this study, we found that parents have difficulty in preparing boxed lunches, especially in relation to ensuring that they are nutritious given children’s faddishness. It was also shown that the program affected the contents of the boxed lunches. These results suggest that this program improves parents’ attitudes toward eating habits and, consequently, can create better eating habits in their children.