学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 Issue 43
published_at 2015-03-26

音楽科における指導力の向上をめざした効果的な教育実習のあり方に関する研究 : 生徒指導と教科専門の観点から

Pre-Service Teachers’ Teaching Skills in Student Guidance and Musical Instruction in Teaching Practice
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This study aimed to clarify the results of teaching practice to improve pre-service music teachers’ teaching skills in terms of student guidance and music. The teaching practice was conducted in association with four schools attached to Hiroshima University. The pre-service teachers received comments on their teaching from students in each class, and they also made self-assessments of their teaching behavior and musical teaching skills following a period of teaching practice. After the teaching practice had been completed, the pre-service teachers reflected on how they could apply their learning in the next stage of teaching practice as well as on how comments from the students were useful for developing their teaching skills. The results of the analysis showed that the teaching practice that was undertaken in cooperation with the four schools was effective in improving pre-service teachers’ teaching skills.