学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 42 号
2014-03-24 発行

保育カンファレンスの外部公開は他園に何を発信しうるか : 附属幼稚園を中核とした地域の研修ネットワーク構築の可能性の検討

Types of Messages to Outside Teachers from the Early Childhood Education and Care Conferences : Examination of the Possibilities of Network Construction with the Hiroshima University Attached Kindergarten and Neighboring Areas.
正田 るり子
田中 恵子
玉木 美和
4.26 MB


The purposes of this study are as follows: (1) to examine what early childhood education and care conferences based on the idea of SICS by the Hiroshima University Attached Kindergarten bring to the teachers of other daycare centers, and (2) to examine network construction between two groups of childcare professionals to learn together. The participants in this study are four teachers from a day care center; we conducted a group interview and performed qualitative data analysis (Otani 2011) on the participants' narratives. The results of this study are as follows: (1) the teachers regularly experienced difficulty in understanding children's feelings, (2) the conferences introduced a methodology to resolve this difficulty, which led the teachers to rediscover the philosophy of early childhood education and care, and (3) the conferences contributed to building a network between the two groups of childcare professionals to learn together.