Journal of International education, Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, Hiroshima University
Issue 26
Date of Issue:2022-09-30
current number
ISSN: 1342-8934
Publisher : Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, Hiroshima University
Updating International Japan Studies Education with ICT Tools: A Problem-based Learning Approach to Teaching about Akutagawa Ryunosuke's “Hana” and Japanese Modernization
Nagai Atsushi Matsuyama Yuko Ferreiro Posse Damaso Hata Yuki
PP. 1 - 18
PP. 19 - 32
Scoping Review of the Literature on BEVI in Japanese Higher Education
Nagai Atsushi
PP. 33 - 47
Attempts to Create Explanatory Illustrations of the Surroundings of Hiroshima University, After Hiroshima’s Atomic Bombing
Kayo Rebun
PP. 48 - 56
Japanese Names of Chinese People and Their Readings
PP. 57 - 72