広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科附属特別支援教育実践センター研究紀要 21 号
2023-03-01 発行


Current Status and Issues of Foreign Language Education in Elementary Education Divisions of Special Needs Schools for the Deaf
栫 健太
347 KB
The Courses of Study for Elementary Schools was fully implemented in 2020, and foreign languages have been taught in the third grade and above. In special needs schools, the objectives of each subject, the objectives and contents of each grade level, and the preparation of instructional plans and handling of contents follow those shown in Chapter 2 of the Courses of Study for Elementary Schools (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 2017b). However, in a survey conducted by Yamazawa and Oda (2016), teachers mentioned that the auditory utilization of children, such as pronunciation, listening comprehension, accent, and intonation, is a challenge. It is an urgent and important issue to examine how to address foreign language learning in elementary schools where children with hearing impairment learn mainly through speech. The purpose of this study is to analyze previous research on foreign language teaching practices and teachers’ instructional systems in elementary education divisions of special needs needs for the deaf, to summarize the results and issues that emerged, and to consider how to provide appropriate instruction for children with hearing disabilities who have difficulties in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Through this study, we proposed the future of foreign language education for children with hearing disabilities.
hearing impairment
elementary education division of special needs school
foreign language education