広島大学水畜産学部紀要 5 巻 2 号
1964-12-20 発行


Comparison of bacterial contamination in fowl semen with various collecting methods
橋本 秀夫
突永 悟
高橋 利男
山根 甚信
622 KB
1. 一般生菌数の成績は,BURROWS & QUINN の新,旧両法によるものが多く,広島法によるものはこれら両法によるものの約1/10 の菌量で最少を示した.
2. 汚染指標菌としての大腸菌群の成績は,コンドーム法によるものが最も多く,広島法のそれが最少であった.
3. 腸球菌群の成績は, 旧法によるものが多く,広島法によるものが最も少なかった.
4. ニワトリ精液からの出現薗種を調べた結果, Micrococcus , Diththeroid,グラム陰性作成,Strettococcus, Enterococcus group, Coliforms , Bacillus , Stathylococcus の順で検出された.
Bacterial contamination in fowl semen collected by four methods, Hiroshima method of the authors, Old method (Abdominal massage) and New method (Milking) of BURROWS & QUINN, and Condom method were investigated comparatively.

The total bacterial count was the largest in the semen by New and Old method, and was the smallest in the one by Hiroshima method. The bacterial number in the latter semen was about one-tenth of the former.

Most probable numbers of coliform bacteria and enterococcus group bacteria as an indicators of faecal contamination were the smallest in the semen by Hiroshima method, of the four collecting methods.

From these results, Hiroshima method is the most useful method for collecting of semen from the cock, in the viewpoint of bacterial contamination.

Examination of 16 semen samples revealed the presence of the following bacteria: Micrococcus, Diththeroid, Gram negative rods, Strettococcus, Enterococcus group, Coliforms, Bacillus and Stathylococcus.