Pst I -fragments from three plasmid DNAs (10.0, 19.3 and 51.1 kb) of Bacillus. thuringiensis (Bt) dendrolimus T84A1 were cloned in Escherichia coli. One of transformants, which carrys a 10.22 kb Bt DNA (9.91 and 0.31 kb Pst I -segments), produced a 145 k polypeptide which has the same electrophoretic mobility as the crystal protein (CP) and reacts with anti-CP antibodies. Deletion analysis revealed that the entire CP gene resided on the 5.0 Kb Hpa I -Pst I region within the 9.91 kb Pst I -segment. Hybridization analysis showed that the cloned gene was derived from the largest plasmid and might be the only one in this Bt strain. The restriction enzyme map of the cloned segment was very similar to it of the sotto strain except the 5' -adjacent region of the CP gene.