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Volume 79
( 2019-12-25 )
Volume 78
( 2018-12-25 )
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Volume 75
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Volume 74
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Volume 73
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Volume 72
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Volume 61
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The Hiroshima University studies, Graduate School of Letters
Volume 78
Date of Issue:2018-12-25
current number
Graduate School of Letters, Hiroshima University
Wie verstand Hegel das „Urteil“ ?: Zu Hegels Kritik an der traditionellen Metaphysik
How Did Hegel Understand the “Judgment”?: Hegel’s criticism of the traditional metaphysics
Hazama Tomoki
PP. 1 - 14
ある魔術師のサクセスストーリー : ルキアノス『偽預言者アレクサンドロス』
The Success Story of a Sorcerer: Lucian’s Alexander, the False Prophet
Maeno Hiroshi
PP. 15 - 41
18世紀ドイツ演劇黎明期における演劇革新 : カロリーネ・ノイバーの序幕とノイバー座の試み
Theaterreform in der Frühen Neuzeit des deutschen 18. Jahrhunderts: Caroline Neubers Vorspiele und Versuche der Neuber Truppe
Kobayashi Ekiko
PP. 43 - 55
Les « tics de langage » ont-ils leur place dans l’enseignement du français oral ?
Lorrillard Olivier
PP. 57 - 73
上代日本語における統語構造の一考察 : 『 萬葉集』における「係り結び」構造から
A Study of the Syntactic Structure in Old Japanese: Kakari musubi Construction at Man'yôshû
Ueno Takahumi
PP. 75 - 106
石垣島とその周辺海域を統合した変動地形の研究 : 沿岸域の変動地形研究の発展に向けた海底地形情報整備の必要性
Deformation of Marine Terraces and the Seafloor on and around Ishigaki Island Based on the Analysis of a Digital Elevation Model
Goto Hideaki
PP. 107 - 122
Li Junyang
張 錦
PP. 123 - 141
李白「静夜思」本文変遷史新考 : 『文選』所収の魏文帝「雑詩二首」との関連性をめぐって
A Study of the History of Textual Changes of Li Bai 李白’s Quiet Night Thought 静夜思: its Connection with Wei Wendi 魏文帝’s A Couple of Zashis 雜詩二首 Collected in Wen Xuan 文選
Chen Chong
PP. 59 - 70
『菅原贈太政大臣歌集』(文化十二年刊・鱸貞治編) : 翻刻と解題
Reprint of “Sugawara Zo-Dajoudaijin Kashū” (The Waka Poetry of Sugawara-no-Michizane), with an Annotated Bibliography
Seno Yoshinobu
PP. 43 - 58
A Chronological Record of Narushima Nobuyuki’s Career (18)
Kubota Keiichi
PP. 23 - 41
陸機の楽府 : 「上留田行」を中心に
Yuefu Poems by Ru Ji: about Shang Liu Tian Xing
Sato Toshiyuki
Liu Jinpeng
PP. 1 - 21