Issue 13
Date of Issue:2020-03-31
current number
ISSN : 1882-8701
Publisher : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科人文学プログラム総合人間学分野
A Multimodal Analysis of the Transition from the Opening Section to the Main Section of Japanese Language Classes
PP. 1 - 15
Shibusawa Eiichi's Visit to China: An Analysis of Chinese Newspaper Articles
ZUO Manli
PP. 16 - 32
A historical study of the Chinese translation of Japanese literature from the 1980s to the 1990s
Zhang Guisheng
PP. 33 - 63
On the Comparison of Belief in the Silkworm God in China and Japan: focusing on the origin and the evolution
Luo Shiqiao
PP. 64 - 76
Lost In Translation: The Ambiguity of English-Japanese Translation: Hiroshima City Example
Ludin Sarit
PP. 77 - 84
Images of Laborers in Natsume Soseki's Everywhere of Manchu and Korea
GUO Xuan
PP. 85 - 102
Transitional Justice among Taiwanese Indigenous People and the Japan's Colonial Responsibility: From the Movements around Truku War/Battle and Wushe Incident
PP. 103 - 130