12 号
2019-03-31 発行
ISSN : 1882-8701
発行元 : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科人文学プログラム総合人間学分野
The characteristics of Communicative Approach
閻 慧
PP. 1 - 12
A consideration of Suetsumuhana's nose: 「普賢菩薩の乗物とおぼゆ」 (It seems like the vehicle of the Samantabhadra Bodhisattva): The connection with the "Samantabhadra Meditation Sutra" as a base point
竺 銀児
PP. 13 - 25
Reconsideration of "Literature for National Policy"by Shochi Takeuchi: Focusing on the "Enter the Harbin"
周 秋利
PP. 26 - 48
A study of the status of women in Okikamurobased on the magazine "Kamuro": through the amativeness and marriage
劉 王奇思
PP. 49 - 60
Comparative study of Chinese and Japanese Kanji reform after the World War II: Focusing on the form of Kanji
劉 哲
PP. 61 - 79
PP. 80 - 94
The cultural implication of "mirror": Focusing on "Kojiki"
程 海蕓
PP. 95 - 111