15 号
2022-03-31 発行
ISSN : 1882-8701
発行元 : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科人文学プログラム総合人間学分野
PP. -
A study of corn imagery in Miyazaki Hayao’s My Neighbor Totoro
史 兆紅
PP. 1 - 16
Spoken Voice of “Coolie”: Images of Chinese Laborers in “Manchuria” Proletarian Poetry around the 1930s
郭 璇
PP. 17 - 40
Study of “Sekibetsu” by Osamu Dazai: From the perspective of its relationship to “Mr. Fujino” by Lu Xun
史 蕊
PP. 41 - 64
Annotation of Rai Mikisaburou’s Poetry (1)
任 萌萌
PP. 65 - 89
Representation of “Villain” in Japanese Contemporary Literature
孫 于恵
PP. 90 - 112
Bannermen International Students Dispatched by the Beijing Police Academy
張 潔
PP. 113 - 126
Young Eiichi Shibusawa and the Analects
左 曼麗
PP. 127 - 143
Examination of the Validity and Reliability of the Analytic Scoring Evaluation Criteria for Japanese Learners’ Research Papers
高 帥
PP. 144 - 162
Comparative Study of Chinese and Japanese Vernacular Movement in Modern Period
劉 哲
PP. 163 - 184
Study on the Position of "Possibility" in Japanese Modality
橋尾 直和
PP. 185 - 207