Okikamuro is a small island located adjacent to Sue Oshima in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. And there is a magazine named "Kamuro" belongs to Okikamuroseiseikai. At the beginning of Taisho, the problems of women did not receive much attention from the society. However, in "Kamuro, there are so many articles about women. This paper is focused on amativeness and marriage. Through classifying and analyzing the articles about Yobai, amativeness, the efforts women do for getting married and divorce from "Kamuro", we can know that the custom of Okikamuro, the view of unmarried women are behind the central cities. No matter what happened, the wrong one will be the women, and no one thought the men also make mistakes in daily life. Women were blamed at getting married by only attracted by the men's look not by the character the men had and the men's family style. What's more, the divorced couples' name will be record in "Kamuro" which makes the women poorer and the villagers will say their bad words together. Based on the result of analyzing, the status of women on the island can be demonstrated more clearly.