比較日本文化学研究 10 号
2017-03-31 発行

中日文化の「集落化」と「再集落化」について : 日本の通信教育の原点から語る

Tribalization and Retribalization of Culture in China and Japan: From the Origin of Distance Education in Japan
方 蘭
788 KB
By sharing common cultural affinities, Japanese people have carried out distance education through the questions and answers of letters from long ago. We can see that people from different ages and different areas can get together for the sake of common cultural interests and form primitive cultural tribalization. Chinese and Japanese have gone through tribalization and retribalization several times in their cultural history. This thesis aims to offer a new viewpoint on the research of Chinese people and culture by studying the tribalization and retribalization, of these two countries, and propose some new perspectives on developing cultural trends based on the Internet.
Chinese Culture
Japanese Culture
Copyright (c) 2017 広島大学大学院文学研究科総合人間学講座