広島大学附属三原学校園研究紀要 Volume 7
published_at 2017-03-28

少子化について考察を深める社会科授業の開発 : 第4学年「テレビと家庭・家族」の授業実践を通して

A Study on Development of the Social Study Class to Deepen the Consideration to the Low Birth Rate: Through the Practice of Class "TV and Family" in Fourth Grade Elementary Students
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The purpose of this study is to examine how to effectively deepen the students' consideration of the low birth rate, and to clarify the achievements and problems. In this research ,first the researcher considered the lesson practice which focused on the relationship between TV and Family. Second, the contents written by the students after all classes were analyzed. The achievement was that the students understood the recent tendency of individualization of family members and reduction of relationship in family. However, there is still room for improvement to clarify how to enable students to connect and understand the relationship between individualization of family members and the low birth rate which look unrelated, and how to enable students to easily understand the influence of the low birth rate.