広島大学附属学校園研究推進委員会報告書 Volume 2023
published_at 2024-03-31

「越境」型カリキュラムの開発と実践による学び続ける主体の育成に関する研究 : 2023年度広島大学附属校園研究推進委員会の取組と各附属校園の研究実践

Developing a Boundary-Crossing Curriculum to Empower Teachers and Students as Learning Agents: Insights from the 2023 Research by the Co-Research Committee at the Hiroshima University and Hiroshima University Schools
589 KB
This paper presents the findings of a 2023 research conducted by the co-research committee of Hiroshima University in collaboration with Hiroshima University Schools. The study focuses on the development and implementation of a boundary-crossing curriculum aimed at fostering teachers and students/children as active agents in their learning journey. Through an analysis of praxis and research reports from 11 Hiroshima University Schools, the study investigates the concept of “boundary-crossing” and its implications for educational practice. The paper then deliberates on the significance of the “boundary-crossing” curriculum, emphasizing its pedagogical value in facilitating collaboration between schools, subjects, and grade levels. The paper also underscores the need for further pedagogical inquiry into the impact of boundary crossings on students and children.
curriculum research & development
educational praxis in schools