広島大学附属学校園研究推進委員会報告書 Volume 2023
published_at 2024-03-31

教科等本来の魅力に迫るための教師の資質能力Ⅱ : 児童・生徒の変容の見取りを通して

Teacher competencies for each subject area so as to approach the inherent attractiveness of the subject
Shigemoto Yuki
616 KB
To determine teacher competencies for each subject area so as to approach the inherent attractiveness of the subject, we shared how each subject area is perceived regarding the "inherent attractiveness of the subject" and established a rubric. This facilitates grasping more objectively the achievement status of the goals. Additionally, by comparing and re-examining previous classroom practices, we explicitly indicated teacher competencies with greater validity. By sharing and discussing ideas beyond the framework of each subject area, we aimed to improve the content of each proposal and enhance the specificity of teacher competencies.
inherent attractiveness of subjects
teacher competencies
rubric evaluation