比較論理学研究 Issue 15
published_at 2018-03-25


Examples of “physis” in Aristotle’s Organon
Takahashi Shogo
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In this article, I aim to collect examples of φύσις in Aristotle’s Organon and classify it, and examine what the meaning of this word has. Aristotle mainly uses the expression “by nature” (φύσει) or “naturally” (κατὰ φύσιν) in the Organon. Researching these expressions in many examples, the following have made clear.
1. “Per se” and “by nature” (or “naturally”) are used interchangeably.
2. Aristotle often uses “physis” which means “essential feature”.
3. Some example of “physis” in the Organon corresponds to the explanation in his Physics and Metaphysics.
4. In the Organon, “prior” and “simultaneous” are used from a view of cognition.
In Physics, “physis” means “form” in a sense, so we can interpret it as follows. That is, “physis” shows the essence, and the features derived from “physis” also are essential. Therefore, we might conclude that “by nature” and “per se” can be used interchangeably because he uses the expression “per se” when a proposition shows that an essential feature or nature (essence) belongs to a subject.
本稿は,文部科学省科学研究費補助金「アリストテレス倫理学の再定位を通した新たな自然主義的倫理学の構想」17H02257 の助成の成果の一部である.