5 号
2008-03-25 発行
ISSN : 1880-6376
発行元 : 広島大学比較論理学プロジェクト研究センター
Dialectica et Neoaristotelismus : A Study on Whiteheadean Terms (1)
PP. 1 - 11
Tetsurō Watsuji on the Theory of Selflessness in Early Buddhism
高橋 淳友
PP. 13 - 22
A Study of the Sādhanasamuddeśa of the Vākyapadīya : An Introduction to the Theory of karman, VP3.7.45-54
PP. 23 - 44
Bhoja’s Rasa Theory : A Translation of the Introductory Verses of Bhoja's Śṛṅgāraprakāśa
PP. 45 - 53
The Definition of mānasapratyakṣa : Prajñākaragupta and the Tarkarahasya
小林 久泰
PP. 55 - 62
Controversies over the Proof for the Existence of puruṣa : Vasubandhu, the Yuktidīpikā, and Uddyotakara
渡辺 俊和
PP. 63 - 77
Kumarila’s Interpretation of the Mention of artha ‘Useful Thing’ in Mīmāṃsāsūtra 1.1.2
石村 克
PP. 79 - 88
A Study of the Kālasamuddeśa of the Vākyapadīya, 3.9.16-26
李 宰炯
PP. 89 - 105
A Study of Paribhāṣenduśekhara 50 : asiddhaṃ bahiraṅgam antaraṅge (3)
間瀬 忍
PP. 107 - 116
A Note on the Study of the Doctrine of the One Vehicle in the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra
片山 由美
PP. 117 - 128
A Study of Tsong kha pa’s rTen ‘brel bstod pa (1)
PP. 129 - 155