18 号
2021-03-25 発行
ISSN : 1880-6376
発行元 : 広島大学比較論理学プロジェクト研究センター
A Study of the Rā ma ṇa’i gtam rgyud: Introductory Notes and an Annotated Translation of the First Part
根本 裕史 扎布
PP. 7 - 68
The Description of Elephants in the Avadānakalpalatā: The Legend of Dhanapāla
山崎 一穂
PP. 69 - 84
Bhāviveka’s Criticism of the Yogācāra’s Concepts of prajñapti and nimitta in the Madhyamakahṛdayakārikā and the Dasheng zhangzhen lun
田村 昌己
PP. 85 - 100
On the Quoted Synonymic Compounds 同義複合詞 in the Latter Half of “Yao wang ru lai pin 薬王如来品” of the Zheng fa hua jing 正法華経
白 景皓
PP. 101 - 111
A Brief History of Tibetan Grammar
班青 東周
PP. 113 - 133
Dharmottara on Invalid Theses and Pseudo-theses
繆 寿楽
PP. 135 - 144
On Candrakīrti’s Understanding of dharmāyatanarūpa
掬月 玄
PP. 169 - 185