広島大学総合科学部紀要. IV, 理系編 Volume 19
published_at 1993-12-31

映画刺激の単純性 : 複雑性と認知欲求が映画に対する評価に及ぼす効果に関する研究

The Effects of Film Stimulus Simplicity-complexity and Need for Cognition on the Evaluation of the Films
Fujiwara Takehiro
Kohyama Takaya
735 KB
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the stimulus dimension of the films (simplicity-complexity) and need for cognition on the evaluation of films. Seventeen high need for cognition subjects and eighteen low need for cognition subjects watched two films. 'Raiders of the lost ark' was selected as the simple stimulus film and and 'Die Blechtrommel' was selected as the complex stimulus one. The ANOVA of the image evaluation score revealed significant interaction effects of the stimulus simplicity-complexity and need for cognition. High need for cognition subjects evaluated the complex stimulus film higher than low need for cognition subjects. The ANOVAs of cognitive effort, the evaluative dimension of the film impression, and the evaluation of image and music scores revealed significant main effects of need for cognition. These results indicated that high need for cognition subject's cognitive effort, evaluative score of the film impression, and the evaluation of image and music were higher than low need for cognition subject's ones.
need for cognition
stimulus simplicity and complexity
film evaluation