コロラド州における音楽スタンダードの構成と内容の特徴 : 全米コア音楽スタンダードとの比較を通して

音楽文化教育学研究紀要 33 号 49-56 頁 2021-03-23 発行
アクセス数 : 279
ダウンロード数 : 127

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MusicCultEduc_33_49.pdf 871 KB 種類 : 全文
タイトル ( jpn )
コロラド州における音楽スタンダードの構成と内容の特徴 : 全米コア音楽スタンダードとの比較を通して
タイトル ( eng )
Constitution and Content Characteristics of Music Standards in Colorado: Through Comparison with National Core Music Standards
廣濱 隆世
Bulletin of music culture education
開始ページ 49
終了ページ 56
[ISSN] 1347-0205
[NCID] AA11546850
In the United States, the National Core Music Standards, that is, common educational goals in music, were established in 2014 as a revision of the National Standards for Arts Education. As in the United States, the authority of education is left to the states, so the National Core Music Standards do not have legal value and each is free to establish its own standards. Although most states follow the National Core Music Standards, some states that follow them have their own unique characteristics. In this study, we examined and analyzed Colorado’s music standards. The results showed that while the Colorado music standards are said to conform to the “National Core Music Standards,” first, their artistic process, their structure and content differ from the “National Core Music Standards”. Second, specific approaches to musical knowledge and skills are detailed for each grade. Third, the “Academic Context and Connections” section which is similar to the “Enduring Understanding” and “Essential Question” sections of the National Core Music Standards, is provided for each grade and content area. Fourth, “Colorado Essential Skills” section specifies which workforce skills are acquired through the content of the standards. In this study, we discovered another aspect of music education in the United States, which is a federal system, that cannot be solely analyzed based on the National Core Music Standards.
資源タイプ 紀要論文
発行日 2021-03-23
出版タイプ Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[ISSN] 1347-0205
[NCID] AA11546850