Imaging mass spectrometry-based molecular histology : Analysis of kidney and bone in Klotho-deficient mice

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Title ( eng )
Imaging mass spectrometry-based molecular histology : Analysis of kidney and bone in Klotho-deficient mice
Title ( jpn )
イメージング質量分析を用いた分子組織学的解析 : Klotho欠損マウスの腎および骨において
Fujino Yoko
Medical sciences [ 490 ]
Resource Type doctoral thesis
Publish Type Not Applicable (or Unknown)
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
・Imaging Mass Spectrometry-based Molecular Histology of Bone Shows the Implication of MEPE-ASARM for the Klotho-Deficient Phenotype. The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 2013 Annual Meeting. Baltimore, Oct. 2013. references
・Klotho 欠損マウス腎臓のイメージング質量分析. The 69th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists-Breau of Chuugoku, Shikoku. Hiroshima, Oct. 2014. references
・Imaging Mass Spectrometry-based Molecular Histology of Klotho-Deficient Mice with a Syndrome Resembling Human Premature Aging. The 31th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Disability and Oral Health. Sendai, Nov. 2014. references
Dissertation Number 甲第6996号
Degree Name
Date of Granted 2016-03-23
Degree Grantors