NICU・GCUの看護師と医師の各管理者からみた病棟における看護師-医師間の協働に関する全国調査 : Collaboration and Satisfactlon about Care Decisions 日本語版による測定 <原著>
日本新生児看護学会誌 Volume 18 Issue 2
Page 2-9
published_at 2012
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Title ( jpn ) |
NICU・GCUの看護師と医師の各管理者からみた病棟における看護師-医師間の協働に関する全国調査 : Collaboration and Satisfactlon about Care Decisions 日本語版による測定 <原著>
Title ( eng ) |
National Survey of Nurse-Physician Collaboration in NICUs and GCUs Using a Japanese Version of the Collaboration and Satisfaction about Care Decisions Scale <Article>
Creator | |
Source Title |
Journal of Japan Academy of Neonatal Nursing
Volume | 18 |
Issue | 2 |
Start Page | 2 |
End Page | 9 |
Abstract |
全国のNICU・GCUにおける看護師-医師間の協働の現状を明らかにすることを目的として,Baggsら(1994)によって開発されたCollabOration and Satisfaction about Care Decisions(CSACD)日本語版を作成し,NICUとGCUの看護師と医師の各管理者を対象とした自記式質問紙調査を実施した.全国の総合周産期母子医療センター89施設と地域周産期医療センター278施設の計367施設の各管理者に質問紙を配布し,CSACDの全項目に回答した看護管理者164名(有効回答率45%),医師の管理者158名(有効回答率43%)を分析対象とした.CSACD日本語版のCronbachのα信頼係数は協働得点と満足得点ともに0。9台で,探索的因子分析の結果,ほぼ原版と同様の因子構造を持つことが確認され,CSACD日本語版は利用可能であると考えられた.本研究の結果では,看護管理者よりも医師の管理者の方が病棟における看護師-医師間の協働の程度やそれに対する満足の程度は高く,看護管理者の得点でのみ施設の地域との関連が見られた.また,所属する看護師のNICU平均従事年数や新生児分野に関する取得資格の割合は,医師のそれらと比較して低かったことから,看護師-医師間の協働をさらに高めるには,新生児看護の専門性を身につけた看護師の育成や人材の定着が必要であると考えられた。
The purpose of this descriptive study was to examine collaborative practice between nurse and physician in Japanese NICUs and GCUs. The Collaboratibe and Satisfaction About Care Decisions (CSACD) debeloped by Baggs (1994) was translated into Japanese. A self-administered questionnaire survey by the Japanese version of CSACD was conducted on 367 head of physicians in division of NICU and 367 head of nurses in division of NICU in Japan, and data from 164 nurses and 158 physicians who completed the Japanese version of CSACD were analyzed (valid responses rates were 45% and 43%, respectively). The Cronbach's alphas of the Japanese version of CSACD were over 0.9 for each total score of collaboration and satisfaction. Factor analysis confirmed that the factorial structure of the Japanese version of CSACD was almost consistent with original version. The results showed that the physician's score of collaboration and satisfaction were higher than those of the nurses, and there was regional difference in nurse's collaboration and satisfaction scores. This study supports the importance of bringing up nurse who have specialty in neonatal nursing and autonomous attitude in NICUs and GCUs, as well as recent empirical research findings.
Keywords |
Nurse-Physician Relationship
National Survey
Medical sciences [ 490 ]
Language |
Resource Type | journal article |
Publisher |
Date of Issued | 2012 |
Rights |
Copyright (c) 2012 日本新生児看護学会
Publish Type | Version of Record |
Access Rights | open access |
Source Identifier |
[ISSN] 1343-9111
[NCID] AA11269499